And another day of sacrificing children, teachers, and school staff, of new books, threats, and “deliberate” strategies, of summer camp outbreaks, skipping the RNC, and protective gear again running low, all comes to an exhausting close:
“I thought of you, and where you’d gone. And the world spins madly on.” -- The Weepies
US: 133,972 (+993)
World: 546,601 (+5941)
Countdown: 119 days.
The scariest thing about global warming (and Covid-19). “Shifting baselines syndrome” means we quickly get used to climate chaos. Shifting baselines are evident in the steady erosion of unions, the militarization of police, and the infusion of US politics with dark money. They are even evident, as we’ll discuss in a moment, in our experience with Covid-19. For the generation of Americans coming of age today, Trump, gridlocked politics, and a rapidly warming planet are normal. How can they be convinced that they should expect, and demand, something better?...Biodiversity loss, deforestation, and climate change may make pandemics more common. It is not difficult to imagine Americans forgetting a time when mingling freely was taken for granted. When being in public did not mean constant low-level exposure anxiety. When there weren’t regular waves of infection and death...And so, little by little, a hotter, more chaotic, and more dangerous world is becoming normal to us, as we sleepwalk toward more tragedies.
Fact-checking Trump's claims that US coronavirus death rate is the lowest worldwide. While US coronavirus mortality rates have declined recently, they are not the lowest in the world. Data on coronavirus death rates remain imprecise, due in part to limited testing availability and the prevalence of mild or asymptomatic cases that often go unrecorded. Still, among the 20 countries most affected by the virus, at least 14 have lower death rates than the US.
Trump administration narrows suspects in Russia bounties leak investigation: report. — He’s only upset you found about it.
Contact tracing is no longer possible across the US South due to rapid coronavirus surges, health expert says.
Brazil's President Bolsonaro tests positive for COVID-19 after months of downplaying the disease.
The Trump administration is pushing for school reopenings as coronavirus cases surge. -- Republicans are literally trying to kill you.
Betsy DeVos rejects part-time school reopening plan amid pandemic. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday assailed plans by some local districts to offer in-person instruction only a few days a week and said schools must be "fully operational" even amid the coronavirus pandemic. Anything less, she says, would fail students and taxpayers. -- Fuck Betsy DeVos. She’s a white privileged horrible individual.
Trump administration informs Congress it is withdrawing from the World Health Organization amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The new book by President Trump's niece paints the president as an emotionally damaged narcissist who's cheated to get ahead, while being unable to "experience the entire spectrum of human emotion." — Hmmm. That’s certainly what we’ve seen over the years.
Flashback: Fordham confirms that Trump team threatened the school if his grades became public. Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen has testified to Congress that Trump directed him to write letters warning his schools and the College Board not to disclose his grades or SAT scores. — Now why would an honest person ever do something like that?
“Unlike any previous time in his life, Donald's failings cannot be hidden or ignored because they threaten us all.” — Mary Trump
56 Florida hospital ICUs have hit capacity.
Missouri summer camp virus outbreak raises safety questions. Missouri leaders knew the risk of convening thousands of kids at summer camps across the state during a pandemic, the state’s top health official said, and insisted that camp organizers have plans in place to keep an outbreak from happening. The outbreak happened anyway. -- Morons.
Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego says federal government denied requests for COVID-19 testing help.
Movie theater chains sue New Jersey over coronavirus-related closures. Six movie theater chains, including AMC Entertainment, Cinemark and Regal Cinemas, have sued New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy for refusing to let them resume operations, even after allowing churches, retailers and indoor shopping malls to reopen during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Senate's oldest Republican, Sen. Chuck Grassley, says he will skip the Republican National Convention because of coronavirus concerns. As will Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Lamar Alexander.
Dealings with Jeffrey Epstein have landed Deutsche Bank with a $150 million fine. The bank had two problems: rogue employees and plain old incompetence.
EPA approves two Lysol products as the first to effectively kill novel coronavirus on surfaces.
Millions of Americans are going hungry as the pandemic erodes incomes and destroys communities.
Peter Navarro says that blacks are distracting the country from the problems white people need to actually deal with. Peter Navarro is an asshole.
Donald Trump listens to his gut. And it's the gut of a racist. Slipping in the polls, Trump ratchets up the racism.
As much as $273,000,000 in federal coronavirus aid was awarded to more than 100 companies that are owned or operated by major donors to President Donald Trump’s election efforts.
Here are some of the billionaires who got PPP loans while small businesses went bankrupt.
'It's a deliberate strategy': Trump uses civil war as culture war in bid to beat Biden. Trump has dug in over statues, protests and the Confederate flag – and experts say it’s all part of a calculated election plan.
What 9 GOP Campaign Consultants Really Think About Republicans’ Chances in November. And the hell ship sails on.
Video shows Black man pinned to tree in what he calls 'attempted lynching' at Indiana lake. -- Fuck racists.
If "universal health care" meant covering everyone except for maybe 10-15 million people, then Rep. Derek Kilmer could say he fights for universal health care. But it doesn't. So he shouldn't.
Study finds half of coronavirus cases could come from asymptomatic people.
Italy could ‘section’ people who refuse treatment for Covid-19.
Protective gear for medical workers begins to run low again.
PM Trudeau has turned down a White House invitation to celebrate the new regional free trade agreement in Washington with U.S President Trump and Mexican President López Obrador.
Tucker Carlson says Sen. Tammy Duckworth, who received a purple heart after losing both her legs in Iraq, hates America. -- Tucker Carlson is an asshole.
Doctors say experimental treatment may have rid man of HIV.
Early findings grim on the health of Flint kids after water crisis.
The ugly truth about millions of American jobs: They are not coming back.
US considering ban on Chinese apps, including TikTok, says Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Black Friday as we know it is finally dead. -- Oh what will all those people now do on the Friday after Thanksgiving?
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.
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