And another day of “stormtroopers,” “jack-booted secret police thugs,” the expansion of “Operation Legend,” and oh yeah, a virus is still raging, so in short: And another day in Trump’s America comes to a shameful close:
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” -- Sinclair Lewis
US: 146,183 (+1230)
World: 630,193 (+10,728)
US: 4,100,875 (+72,306)
World: 15,373,616 (+280,370)
Countdown: 104 days.
A minute and a half. Yes, you have a minute and a half to watch this. Watch it.
'This is not a dictatorship!': Portland pushes back harder against Trump, federal agents.
Absentee and Early Voting. — A friend posted this on FB today, and I thought it needed to go on tonight’s summary. Check this site for information on absentee voting, voting by mail, and early voting. Then get your butt ready to vote.
Election experts warn that Americans may not know who won the presidency or the Senate on Election Night. A surge of mail-in votes and rules about how they're counted in key states like Pennsylvania and Michigan could delay results for days. -- And that’s okay. We don’t need to know on election night.
“Disturbing And Demoralizing”: DHS Employees Are Worried The Portland Protest Response Is Destroying Their Agency’s Reputation. “When the current administration and the leadership in DHS insert DHS in the middle of this — to protect statues and to bring ‘order’ to Portland — it is so damaging to the brands of the agencies. It guts public safety,” said John Sandweg, a former senior DHS official in the Obama administration. “It’s devastating what this administration has done.” — Yes. Yes it is.
Why would Trump use the scarce resources of the federal government to respond to local protests when local leaders oppose this course of action? The answer is that he does not really care about public safety. He cares only about his own reelection, even if he has to disrupt public safety to achieve it. And if he crosses a legal line in the process, he can brag to his political supporters that he is tough on crime.
The Border Patrol Is the Last Thing We Need in American Cities Right Now.
Acting Homeland Security Sec. Chad Wolf said federal officers would “not retreat” from Portland, Oregon, and characterized criticism of the officers' actions as "smear attacks" and "disgusting."
'This is what Trump wants': Portland protesters call for peace as federal standoff continues. “Every single person should be scared of what’s happening here,” said local resident Katrina Kerley. “We can’t stand for this.”
Operation Legend: President Trump is set to expand a federal policing effort to Chicago and Albuquerque.
Operation Legend: Trump says he is sending 'hundreds' of federal law enforcement officers to Chicago.
The mayors of 15 U.S. cities are calling on Attorney General William Barr to withdraw federal forces immediately, describing the deployments as "wholly inconsistent with our system of democracy."
U.S. bans drone flights near Portland buildings at center of anti-police protests.
Down In The Polls, Trump Pitches Fear: 'They Want To Destroy Our Suburbs'. President Trump won suburban voters narrowly in 2016, but now he's losing those voters in polls against Joe Biden. Trump's trying to turn around that erosion of support with a campaign of fear and falsehoods. -- Fear and lies are all the GOP have left to offer.
Donald Trump once flirted with white nationalism. Now it's a centerpiece of his White House. Modern presidents have rejected white nationalism, but Trump has advanced its agenda. — It’s what he always meant by “Make America Great Again.”
Biden says 'racists' have sought the U.S. presidency before but Trump is first one elected. “What President Trump has done in his spreading of racist – the way he deals with people based on the color of their skin, their national origin, where they’re from – is absolutely sickening.” -- Biden’s wrong about Trump being the first racist elected president. But Trump is still a racist. And nothing is going to change that fact.
One roadblock to police reform: Veteran officers who train recruits. Field trainers teach new police officers "the old way of doing things," according to a former Justice Department lawyer who investigated them. But what his field trainers tried to teach him, he testified in September, was how to be a bad cop: to lie that he had found a meth pipe in a suspect's pocket, to harass Black people for no reason, to threaten women into giving up information. When he wouldn't go along, Rodriguez said, the trainers bullied him...It's not uncommon for trainers, known as FTOs in cop-speak, to have histories of misconduct and citizen complaints, according to a Marshall Project review of 10 big-city departments. The trainers get little formal instruction in how to mold young officers' behavior. Becoming a field trainer is seen as a mark of prestige and seniority, rather than a serious and challenging job, law enforcement officials said. -- Yeah, things need to change.
Coronavirus cases worldwide jump from 10 million to 15 million in less than a month.
California surpasses New York state in confirmed virus cases.
US public increasingly skeptical of Covid-19 death toll, poll finds. Thirty-one percent of respondents in the survey said they believe the number of Americans dying from Covid-19 is in reality smaller than public data portrays. Skepticism was up from 23% in May. Skepticism about coronavirus statistics was heavily correlated with media consumption habits, the poll found. A 62% majority of Fox News watchers said the statistics are overblown, while 48% who reported no main news source thought so. Only 7% of CNN and MSNBC watchers thought so. -- Stop watching Fox News. They are literally trying to kill you.
Utah sees virus surge -- but not in county with mask order. Utah is among the many U.S. states battling a surge in coronavirus cases, but officials said Wednesday the Salt Lake City area is bucking the trend after the county issued a mandate a month ago for people to wear masks. -- Science. It works.
Trump Said Kids Won’t Spread the Coronavirus to Their Homes. He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About.
Face it. Most kids are not going to school next month. This might be the most obvious thing in the world, but parents need to come to grips with the fact that their kids probably aren't going to be in classrooms this fall.
White neighborhoods have more access to COVID-19 testing sites—even as the disease is hitting Black and Hispanic communities hardest.
Matt Gaetz appears to run afoul of House ethics rules. The Florida Republican spent thousands of dollars on a speechwriting consultant, and the construction of a private studio.
In a dramatic escalation of tensions, the State Department has ordered the closure of China's Houston consulate — a move the Chinese on Wednesday called an "outrageous and unjustified" provocation.
U.S. officials say the Houston consulate has long been used by China's government to steal medical research and attempt to infiltrate the oil industry.
Texas school district to keep policy that forced two Black students to either cut their dreadlocks or leave school. -- They love their racism down there in Texas.
No, a reporter didn't call Kayleigh McEnany a 'lying b**ch,' but Fox ran with it anyway.
Nearly 1 in 4 VA employees report sex harassment, audit says.
70 million people just had their credit card limits cut or accounts closed.
Demand For At-Home Abortion Pills Exploded During the Pandemic.
Reports: NFL Cancels 2020 Preseason. The league will also reduce the number of players invited to training camp, according to reports.
NFL fans will have to wear masks at games if spectators are allowed inside the stadiums, the league says Wednesday.
Scientists have discovered evidence that may push back the timeline for humans living in North America from 13,000 years ago to 30,000 years ago, according to two new studies.
Study finds sharks are vanishing, and that's a "crisis" for humans.
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.
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