Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday, August 23, 2020

And another day of percentages, transformations, productions, treatments, the “Orwellian effect,” misleading health claims, an “escalating tragedy,” and maybe “Someday I’ll Be Forgiven For This” comes to a close: 

“If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower


US: 180,604 (+430)

World: 812,513 (+3829)


US: 5,874,746 (+32,718)

World: 23,583,616 (+204,036)

Countdown: 72 days.

75% Republicans see U.S. as better off now than 4 years ago ahead of convention. For most Republicans, America is a nation where the economy is still fairly good, where the effort to handle the coronavirus is going at least somewhat well and the president is doing a very good job on it. For them, the virus elicits less concern in the first place. They believe the 170,000 fatalities is an overstated count and one which, for many, can so far be considered acceptable. And it is a nation where, for an overwhelming number of Republicans, there has been too much focus on racial discrimination of late...There is plenty of what's called negative partisanship at work here, as well. For four in 10 Republicans, their allegiance to the GOP is based not so much on liking all that it stands for, but mainly on disliking what Democrats stand for. And so that calculus, too, might well be something the GOP convention aims to make more widespread.


Some of those numbers are downright depressing. The fact so many people find 170,000+ deaths and counting acceptable is batshit crazy. The fact so many people believe there’s been too much focus on racial discrmination is white privilege at its whitest. The fact so many people literally support the blatant hating of others--many others--is a sad commentary on the state of our nation.

November will be our last chance to change the trajectory of this country. And even if we’re lucky enough to win, the fight will not be over. But if we lose, and Trump remains in power while the GOP retains control of the Senate, then there will be no recovery of our systems. What few we have left will be destroyed, and any future change to the new systems will have to come from revolution. The Trump Party is literally taking away our democracy. I doubt that many of those that support this takeover even understand what the long term outcomes of their vociferous love for Trump will bring. I have no doubt that the many that do, do not care.

Vote. Convince others to vote. And vote early. This is no time for apathy or protest votes. The future of the country relies on us being active and voting out Trump and his Republican enablers. The last four years have shown that, yes, it can happen here; American is not exceptional. She can be torn apart from within, and molded to only a mere glimmer of the shining star she once was. Four more years of the Trump Party will only make that shine fade even more.

For we are not a country for just one special group of people. We are a country for all people. That’s what made America great: the flawed promise that all people could find hope and opportunity here. The Trump Party has exacerbated those flaws, but we can fix them. We can change for the better. The MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements have shown the country is ready to make substantial changes. But to do that, we must vote out the Trump Party. So please vote, Dear Reader. And vote early.

White House transforms from people's house to campaign venue. Behind the scenes: It's unprecedented in modern politics for the White House to be used as the site of an explicitly political event.

The GOP convention will be a Trumpian production. What to expect: "Think of each night like an episode," says one source. "And what would an episode be without an appearance from the star?"

Trump, FDA tout COVID-19 convalescent plasma treatment, but some say it's still unproven. The FDA announced Sunday it was issuing an emergency authorization for convalescent plasma treatment in hospitalized COVID-19 patients -- but some researchers on the front lines of the pandemic say they move will make their work more difficult.

At Oklahoma State University, students' steps are tracked to stop the coronavirus

The school president says students shouldn't be worried about privacy issues and the "Orwellian effect" because the data is collected for internal use only.

Twitter hits Trump for "misleading health claims" that could dissuade people from voting. -- All he has is fear. Don’t let him scare you.

South Korea reports highest daily virus cases since March.

USPS warns House bill will 'constrain the ability' of it to make operational changes. "while well meaning, will constrain the ability of the Postal Service to make operational changes that will improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ultimately improve service to the American people."

Acting DHS chief says QAnon not a "significant" threat but condemns the group. -- Actually, they are.

Marco and Laura both forecast to hit the US as hurricanes.

FBI and CISA warn against surge in voice phishing campaigns. Vishing campaigns have become more effective after most people started working from home.

A Network of Cameras Is Monitoring California's 'Escalating Tragedy'. Every single view of the fires, from professional photographers on the front lines to satellites 22,000 miles out in space, has captured the alarming scope of the flames. But some of the most visceral footage has come from time-lapse cameras mounted in the foothills and mountains that have been overrun by flames.

RIP Justin Townes Earle. He was 38.

“Someday I’ll be forgiven for this.” -- Justin Townes Earle

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.

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