Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

And another day of enemies of democracy, becoming more delusional, no economic aid, allergic reactions, eviction notices, Texas-Trump-Cruz, restricting voting in Georgia, a Chinese spy, breaking up Facebook, and the French go ahead with bionic soldiers comes to a close:

“It's amazing how Trump's irresponsible cronies get preferential medical treatment while Americans die by the thousands and everyone just sort of accepts it as the way our system works.” — Michelle Goldberg

“All I want for Christmas is for people to stop equating “Christian” with “good”.”  — Chrissy Stroop


US: 296,698 (+3300)

World: 1,575,621 (+12,612)


US: 15,820,042 (+228,333)

World: 69,228,394 (+662,856)

Countdown 1: 27 days.

Countdown 2: 42 days.

Enemies of Democracy. A wise observer would view the Trump experience as a near-catastrophe which became a wake-up call for just how vulnerable our democracy is. Instead, we have a conservative establishment which—when it isn’t outright advancing Trump’s attempt to overturn the election, or averting its eyes—says that the fact that Donald Trump will (probably) leave office on January 20 is proof that the system worked and there’s no reason for concern...A healthy republic ought to have a strong, even a visceral response to those who would endanger its future. And it should remember the treacherous who conspire against it...It is important, therefore, to keep score on who, exactly, democracy’s enemies are...[Names are named]...How the hell did we get here? Part of the answer is that the American right has failed to advance a conservative agenda that appeals to majorities, and has instead chosen to focus on mobilizing its largely white, increasingly rural political base with appeals to grievance and resentment. This retreat from even attempting to secure a popular majority in favor of using the geographic leverage created by the Electoral College has resulted in a growing suspicion of majoritarianism itself...We aren’t just talking about the usual lunatic fringe...If no political price is paid by the president and his cadres, what then? There is moral hazard for a republic that imposes no meaningful consequence on those who would destroy it from within...The saboteurs who have struck at the heart of our democracy should be considered politically—if not morally—irredeemable. They should be pariahs, marked forever, as if they had sworn allegiance to an adversarial regime. A republic that respects itself should remember where people stood in this moment, and keep those who would threaten it far from the instruments of political power. We must never forget.

America under Trump became less free, less equal, more divided, more alone, deeper in debt, swampier, dirtier, meaner, sicker, and deader. It also became more delusional...Though the U.S. is still a democratic republic, not a totalitarian regime, and Trump was an all-American demagogue, not a fascist dictator, his followers abandoned common sense and found their guide to the world in him. Defeat won’t change that.

As coronavirus surges, countries spend more on economic aid. But not the U.S. Unlike Western Europe and Canada, the U.S. is asking citizens to face the Covid-19 pandemic without any additional financial cushion from the government.

2 allergic reactions to Pfizer vaccine in UK prompt warning.

As states frantically prepare to begin months of vaccinations that could end the pandemic, a new poll finds only about half of Americans are ready to roll up their sleeves when their turn comes.

Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis tests positive for coronavirus.

Landlords Have Filed More Than 150,000 Eviction Notices Already. By January It Will Get Much Worse. “This is a very dangerous moment in terms of the welfare of the American people.” — I’d like to remind you that the Republican Party does not care about the welfare of the American people.

All 50 states and DC have now certified their presidential election results.

5 big problems with Texas' bid to overturn Biden's win at the Supreme Court. "This case is hopeless. Texas has no right to bring a lawsuit over election procedures in other states.”

Trump asks Cruz to argue Texas case.

Georgia Republicans outline a plan to restrict mail voting and roll back the election laws that contributed to the state's record-high turnout in the presidential election — unwinding rules the party itself put in place.

Pennsylvania GOP leader on breaking with Trump on election: "I'd get my house bombed tonight".

GOP lawyer resigns over treatment of Florida data analyst. Ron Filipkowski, a lifelong Republican who was appointed to the 12th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission by DeSantis, resigned Tuesday morning after reviewing the search warrant affidavit the state used to seize computers and phones from Rebekah Jones.

Federal criminal investigation into Hunter Biden focuses on his business dealings in China.

A suspected Chinese spy slept with at least 2 mayors and got close to Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell in a yearslong intelligence campaign, report says. The alleged operation offers a rare window into how Beijing has tried to gain access to and influence U.S. political circles.

FTC sues to break up Facebook, asking a federal court to force the sell-off of assets such as Instagram and WhatsApp as independent businesses.

Win, lose or settle: Facebook lawsuits will take years to resolve.

Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.), privately pushed the Treasury Secretary to give wealthy sports owners a lucrative tax break last year. It’s unclear why Senator Perdue was interested in tax regulation that would impact only a tiny set of the richest Americans. The effort, which wasn’t successful, could have helped several of his donors, including fellow senator Kelly Loeffler. — Vote for Ossoff and send Perdue packing. 

The Earth is set to warm beyond 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 Fahrenheit) by the end of the century despite a dip in greenhouse gas emissions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

French army gets ethical go-ahead for bionic soldiers. The French armed forces now have permission to develop "augmented soldiers" following a report from a military ethics committee. The report, released to the public on Tuesday, considers medical treatments, prosthetics and implants that improve "physical, cognitive, perceptive and psychological capacities," and could allow for location tracking or connectivity with weapons systems and other soldiers. Other possible interventions considered by the armed forces ethics committee include medical treatments to prevent pain, stress and fatigue, and substances that would improve mental resilience if a soldier were taken prisoner.

YouTube will now remove videos disputing Joe Biden’s election victory.

Night school comes to the rescue for some kindergarteners and their parents.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.

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