Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

And another day of a mass shooting, fighting disinformation, a ‘steady drumbeat,’ the Postal Service surveilling Americans’ social media posts, Earth to get hotter, and a high school deadnames trans students at graduation comes to a close:

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” -- Mahatma Gandhi


US: 606,179 (+971)

World: 3,512,187 (+12,753)


US: 33,971,207 (+24,018)

World: 169,076,168 (+561,973)

Employee shoots, kills 8 at California rail yard, police say. An employee opened fire Wednesday at a California rail yard, killing eight people before taking his own life as law enforcement rushed in, authorities said, marking the latest attack in a year that has seen a sharp increase in mass killings as the nation emerges from coronavirus restrictions.

Texas is on the verge of becoming the most-populous state in the nation to allow permit-less carry of handguns, meaning any adult who can legally obtain a gun can take it to town, without any training or certification. It’s the firearms equivalent of abandoning drivers licenses.

Black Lives Matter Fights Disinformation To Keep The Movement Strong.

Judge says Trump's 'steady drumbeat' of the Big Lie could continue to inspire his supporters to take up arms.

The House Oversight Committee is asking for an investigation into the Postal Service’s surveillance of Americans’ social media posts about protests, following a series of reports by Yahoo News about the program. “According to these [Yahoo News] reports, iCOP analysts have been monitoring social media sites to look for posts that are ‘inflammatory’ and then sharing details about the posts and individuals who posted the information with other federal law enforcement agencies. USPIS confirmed this practice in recent briefings with Committee staff,” the letter continues. “These activities raise serious questions about the scope of the program, the extent of sharing of information among law enforcement agencies, and whether USPIS has the authority to conduct such an operation.”...The letter comes after Democrats and Republicans on the Oversight Committee received separate briefings on the program in the wake of Yahoo News’ reporting. — There is a lot to unpack here. Also see what Republicans were told, and then what Democrats were told.

Forecast: 40% chance Earth to be hotter than Paris goal soon. There’s a 40% chance that the world will get so hot in the next five years that it will temporarily push past the temperature limit the Paris climate agreement is trying to prevent, meteorologists said.

Court orders Shell to dramatically reduce CO2 emissions in a landmark decision that could have far-reaching consequences for oil companies. The company must slash its CO2 emissions by 45% by 2030 from 2019 levels, according to a judgment from a district court in The Hague on Wednesday. That includes emissions from its own operations and from the energy products it sells.

Thousands demand high school not deadname trans student at graduation: 'This is a blatant act of transphobia'. — The petition has already garnered 18,000 names.

Amazon is buying MGM, the movie and TV studio behind James Bond and “Shark Tank,” for $8.45 billion.

John Davis: True Milli Vanilli singer dies from Covid aged 66.

RIP Eric Carle. He was 91.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.

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