Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

And another day of DeSantis’ agenda, TX AG Paxton breaking laws, a FL school banning Gorman’s poem, MT banning drag performers, brain and spine implants enable paralyzed man to walk, and the world loses a music legend comes to a close:

“You're simply the best.” -- Holly Knight / Mike Chapman (and sung by Tina Turner)

What’s on DeSantis’ agenda? A look at the laws he passed as Florida governor, from abortion to guns. DeSantis signed a bill banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, but it won’t take effect unless the state’s current 15-week ban is upheld in an ongoing legal challenge that is before the state Supreme Court, which is controlled by conservatives...The DeSantis administration expanded the controversial law that critics call “Don’t Say Gay” to cover all grades, banning classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in schools...DeSantis signed a bill that prevents school staffers or students from being required to refer to people by pronouns that don’t correspond to the person’s sex...DeSantis has signed two major death penalty bills this year. The first ends a unanimous jury requirement in death penalty sentencing, allowing capital punishment with jury recommendation of at least 8-4 in favor of execution...The other death penalty bill DeSantis signed allows the death penalty in child rape convictions, despite a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that banned capital punishment in such cases...Floridians will be able to carry concealed guns without a permit under a bill DeSantis signed this session. The new law will allow anyone who can legally own a gun in Florida to carry one without a permit. It means training and a background check will not be required to carry concealed guns in public. It takes effect July 1...Another new law bans colleges from using state or federal funding for diversity, equity and inclusion programs, a consistent target of DeSantis. -- DeFascist aims to turn America into Florida. Never, ever vote for Ron DeFascist

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton likely broke laws, Republican investigation finds. A Republican-led investigation on Wednesday accused Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of committing multiple crimes in office — including felonies — during an extraordinary public airing of scandal and alleged lawbreaking that plunged one of the GOP’s conservative stars into new political and legal risk. For more than three hours, investigators presented findings alleging Paxton sought to hide an affair, misused his office to help a donor, skirted protocols “grossly outside” norms and built a culture of fear and retaliation in his office. Investigators told the GOP-led House General Investigating Committee that there was evidence that Paxton repeatedly broke the law over the years, including by misusing official information, abusing his official capacity and retaliation. -- Ken Paxton belongs in prison.

Amanda Gorman’s poem for Biden’s inauguration banned by Florida school. A poem written for President Joe Biden’s inauguration has been placed on a restricted list at a South Florida elementary school after one parent’s complaint.

Montana governor signs bill banning drag performers from reading to children in public schools, libraries. HB359, which went into effect when Gianforte signed it on Monday, prevents children from attending “sexually oriented shows” and from being present at obscene performances on public property. It specifically targets drag story hours, which it defines as “an event hosted by a drag queen or drag king who reads children’s books and engages in other learning activities with minor children present.”

Yellowstone baby bison put to death after visitor picks it up, leading herd to reject it. A man who picked up a bison calf in Yellowstone National Park caused it to be shunned by its herd, prompting park officials to kill the animal rather than allow it to be a hazard to visitors...Park officials’ options for dealing with the animal were limited, according to the statement, which said bison must be quarantined before being sent to conservation herds outside the park. A bison calf abandoned and unable to care for itself is not a good candidate for quarantine, the statement said. -- Look, I understand wanting to help the struggling calf reunite with its herd, but the rule of thumb should always be “don’t touch the wildlife.”

Brain and spine implants enabled a paralyzed man to climb stairs and walk on rough terrain, study shows. When Oskam thinks about moving his legs, the implant in his brain sends a signal to an external computer, which Oskam wears as a backpack. The computer then processes and relays that signal to a pacemaker in Oskam's abdomen, which in turn sends electrical pulses to the older implant that was already in his spinal cord. That prompts Oskam's legs to move. A helmet with two antennas helps the implants stay connected to the computer. -- That is freaking amazing!! Science rules!!

RIP Tina Turner. She was 83.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.

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