Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday, September 29, 2024

And another day of ‘one really violent day,’ extreme rhetoric, six days of horror, Covid in wastewater, a far right win in Austria, human feedback causes AI to deceive humans, and the HPV vaccine comes to a close:

“Anyone who thinks Trump doesn't dream about ruling over a violent fascist regime is kidding themselves.” — Jared Ryan Sears

“The last piece of shit who talked about immigrants like this was named Adolf.” — Palmer Report

“You have to be fundamentally broken as a human being to identify with, embrace, or celebrate Donald Trump.” — John Pavlovitz

Trump says his idea for stopping crime is to allow for “one really violent day”: “One rough hour, and I mean real rough...”And don’t forget he’s already said he wants to give immunity to the police. He’s preparing to reign violence in this country, the likes we haven’t seen since the Civil War.

Trump Suggests Giving Cops ‘One Really Violent Day’ to Stop Crime. During yet another anti-migrant rant, the former president falsely claimed crime is up and so cops should be allowed to be “extraordinarily rough”

Six days of horror: America’s thirst for executions returns with a vengeance. Five executions. Five different states over six days of horror. This was the week in which America’s ailing death penalty bit back. Such a concentrated glut of judicial killing was last seen more than 20 years ago in the US...But there was nothing random or coincidental about the disdain for probable innocence that was on display this week. Nor about the racial animus, or the callous indifference to life animating supposedly “right-to-life” states...Where does this week’s orgy of death leave the US? Anyone hoping for answers from the current political moment are likely to be disappointed.

“I study dictators and this chills me. Given all his comments in the past about executing people & shooting looters and his admiration for leaders specialized in mass repression, it's not hard to imagine what "one really violent day" would mean.” — Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Trump, using extreme rhetoric, calls Harris 'mentally impaired' and says she should be 'prosecuted'. Trump has frequently gone after Harris in personal terms, often based on her race and gender. He has increasingly threatened to go after other political foes if he is elected. He has talked about jailing Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and discussed possibly carrying out election fraud prosecutions against election officials, donors and operatives. — The man is a danger to America.

How the CDC tests wastewater for Covid — and what it found in your state. The process doesn’t precisely count the numbers of cases, and readings can vary based on sewage flows at a particular location or the characteristics of a given variant at a point in time. But it provides an early warning about viral spread, CDC officials say. CNN is tracking these figures each week across the country and by state, and this page will update automatically as the agency releases new information.

Far right wins close Austria election, a boost for Putin. A far-right party founded by former Nazis appeared to have won Austria’s election Sunday, in a result that could reshape Europe’s political landscape and help tilt the balance of power between Russia and the West. Projections from ORF public television based on exit polls suggest that the pro-Russia, anti-immigration Freedom Party, or FPÖ, has finished first, with 29.1% of the vote. — It’s such bullshit that so few people support fascism, yet fascism “wins.” WTF? The FPÖ winning 29.1% of the vote means that 70.9% didn’t vote for them.

California governor vetoes bill to create first-in-nation AI safety measures. The measure, aimed at reducing potential risks created by AI, would have required companies to test their models and publicly disclose their safety protocols to prevent the models from being manipulated to, for example, wipe out the state’s electric grid or help build chemical weapons. Experts say those scenarios could be possible in the future as the industry continues to rapidly advance. It also would have provided whistleblower protections to workers.

Human Feedback Makes AI Better at Deceiving Humans, Study Shows. It’s the first time, the authors write, that research has empirically documented a phenomenon they call unintended sophistry, where a model trained with human feedback learns to produce responses that trick its human evaluators into believing the responses are accurate rather than learning to produce responses that are actually accurate.

HPV vaccine study finds zero cases of cervical cancer among women vaccinated before age 14. A historic new study out of Scotland shows the real-world impact of vaccines against the human papillomavirus: The country has detected no cases of cervical cancer in women born between 1988-1996 who were fully vaccinated against HPV between the ages of 12 and 13.

RIP John Ashton. He was 76.

RIP Kris Kritofferson. He was 88.

Take a break from all the above chaos and tune in to 99.9 Waiting for the Comet. The songs you love. The songs you forgot you love. And the songs you don’t yet know you love.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.

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