Friday, March 2, 2018

March 2, 2018

And another day of “So much losing” comes to a close:

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” -- Dr. Seuss

Trump was angry and ‘unglued’ when he started a trade war. Stable, rational thinking is not a characteristic he possesses.

Anyone, anyone? What happened when the US last introduced tariffs. It’s like no one in Trump’s administration reads or understands history...and history has shown this is a terrible path to take.

‘We will not sit idly’ -- global leaders react to Trump’s steel tariffs.

Senate Republican blasts Trump tariff decision: ‘So much losing.’ “Make no mistake: if the president goes through with this, it will kill American jobs--that’s what every trade war ultimately does.”

What history teaches us about who wins in trade wars. It ain’t pretty.

Republican Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin asks Trump to reconsider imposing new steel and aluminum tariffs. Well shit. Now I have to agree with Scott Walker. Ugh.

Former Trump advisor Carl Icahn shed $31.3 million in steel-related stock a few weeks ago. Isn’t that interesting?

Conservatives are stunned as Trump veers off the path on tariffs and guns in the past 36 hours.

Depth Of Russian Politician's Cultivation Of NRA Ties Revealed.

Nine weeks into 2018 and there have already been 12 school shootings.

The National Rifle Association should be worried about what's happening in Trump country.

Police say a seventh-grader left the bathroom of an Ohio school, ready to shoot students with a semi-automatic rifle. He then changed his mind, went back inside the bathroom, and killed himself.

Georgia governor quietly signs legislation punishing Delta Airlines for revoking NRA discounts.

The number of Delta Air Lines passengers who have ever bought tickets with NRA discount: 13. So 13 is the number required for the Georgia state government to act like two-year olds and punish the company. Wow.

Mueller team asking if Kushner foreign business ties influenced Trump policy.

Chief of Staff John Kelly says White House handling of classified material ‘wasn’t up to the standards’ he was used to. Isn’t that fantastic, boys and girls?

Trump picks Dow Chemical lawyer for key role at EPA. Hmmm. Dow donated $1 million to Trump’s inauguration, and the EPA has already allowed the company to use a pesticide known to be harmful to children. So, of course, now Donnie picks their lawyer.

The White House is poised to nominate an admiral considered a rising star in the Navy but who has scant recent experience in Asia to lead the U.S. Pacific Command and oversee military efforts to respond to the rise of China and the threat posed by North Korea.

Senator Orrin Hatch calls Obamacare supporters the "stupidest, dumbass" people he's ever seen.

Early voting for the Texas primary isn’t yet over, but the state has already set a non-presidential cycle record for the number of people turning out. Glad some of you are paying attention.

Nor’easter a ‘life and death’ situation with high winds for almost all of East Coast.

Driverless cars will save many lives--and kill many jobs. And if you haven’t seen this coming, then what the hell have you been doing?

Over half of LGBTQ youth (ages 13-24) have been diagnosed with eating disorder at some point in their life.

Disgusted by other people’s body odor? You might surprised what that reveals about your social and political views. This makes me want to not shower for a couple of weeks just to see how people react to my stench.

Canine war heroes mistreated by U.S. Army: Pentagon report.

The world’s last male northern white rhino is on death watch. This could be the end of the subspecies.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” -- Dr. Seuss

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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