Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

And another day where, “With all due respect, I don’t get confused,” comes to a close:

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.” -- George Orwell

Trump tweeted that Comey was not fired because of Russia investigation. Um, he said the exact opposite in an interview on NBC last year. Orwell rolls in his grave.

Wisconsin Attorney General (A top Republican official) says Trump won Wisconsin because of Voter ID Law. The law blocked thousands of Wisconsinites from voting in 2016, predominantly in Democratic-leaning areas. You can bet Wisconsin wasn’t an isolated case.

Nikki Haley responds to White House blame over sanctions: “With all due respect, I don’t get confused.” MAGA = Morons Are Governing America

Report Says Sean Hannity Linked To Other Trump-Connected Attorneys, Besides Cohen. Hannity needs to go.

Trump says Stormy Daniels sketch is of a 'nonexistent man'. How would he know that? Unless of course it’s a sketch of a real man that he knows. Seems there would be no reason to protest if it wasn’t a real person.

Pompeo nomination runs into more U.S. Senate Democrat opposition.

11 House Republicans call for prosecutions of Clinton, Comey, Lynch, and others. Republicanism is a disease.

Lawyers: Journalist was detained by ICE because of reporting. He’s been “critical” of their work. That should ring alarm bells. It is not America.

Former FBI Director James Comey says the Republican Party no longer represents his values and that he "can't be associated with it".

Pittsburgh police preparing for protest if President Trump fires Robert Mueller; detectives required to have riot gear.

The Resistance is infiltrating Trump Country. About goddamn time.

Majorities of teens and parents of teens are worried about the possibility of a shooting happening at their school.

Bump stock maker Slide Fire will stop taking orders and is shutting down its website. Hmmm, they said they will process and ship all orders taken prior to May 20. I’m thinking there’s about to be a major bump stock run. Why not just stop taking orders immediately and only process and fill those taken before today? Oh, that’s right, because of money. I can be so foolish some times.

Senator Duckworth proposes rule change to allow senators to bring infants on the Senate floor.

Then later in the day: In a rare move, the US Senate has voted to allow newborns -- for the first time -- onto the Senate floor during votes.

Child marriage on the rise among Syrian refugee girls in Jordan. “I wish I could have continued my studies.”

Retiring GOP congressman resigns immediately to halt ethics committee sexual harassment investigation. You know. Like you do.

Ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal reaches settlement with tabloid over agreement that blocked her from speaking about alleged affair with Trump. She’s now free to tell her story.

Trump: “Melania and I send our prayers to Barbara’s husband of 73 years. I’ll never beat that record.” WTF?

Professor sends out tweet trashing Barbara Bush. She then writes that she would never be fired because she has tenure and free-speech rights. Ah, an example of how to abuse tenure. That’s not what tenure is for, Miss Jarrar.

Puerto Rico hit by island-wide power blackout. Yeah, there’s still the Puerto Rico situation.

On this day in 1906: The Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. It ranks as one of the most significant earthquakes of all time.

“It takes a long time to become young.” -- Pablo Picasso

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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