Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018

And another day of the leaders of this “pro-life nation” cherry picking the lives they view as important yet disregarding the rest comes to a close:

“In spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear.” -- Of Monsters and Men

Rosenstein told Trump last week he is not a target in Russia probe.

Rudy Giuliani is joining Trump’s personal legal team for the Mueller probe. “I’m doing it because I hope we can negotiate an end to this for the good of the country and because I have high regard for the president and Bob Mueller.” Hmmm. Or might it have something to do with Cohen and, well you know, New York?

In closed-door UN meetings, Trump administration officials pushed abstinence-based policy and teaching women...wait for it...sexual “refusal skills.” They went much farther to the right than the opinions expressed by most other countries including Russia and the representative for the Arab states. WTF? Farther to the right than the Arab states? They went on to say the US was a “pro-life” nation and asked for references to contraception, abortion, and comprehensive sex education to be struck from a document on international gender equality. Yep, we all lose when you vote Republican. There’s so much more. Read it yourself. America, 2018.

Holy cow. Your DNA can end up on people you’ve never even met. Then things can get really bad when they get murdered. Once it’s out in the world, DNA doesn’t always stay put.

Report: Palantir helped a JPMorgan security team spy on employees and executives.

Athletes testify sexual abuse 'a much bigger problem than just' Larry Nassar.

A Catholic hospital in Austin forces patients who miscarry to consent to fetal burials. For one woman, that made a painful loss even worse -- and she worries it could soon become routine across Texas.

Syracuse University suspends fraternity after video surfaces of members taking racist oath. The video showed fraternity members taking a racist oath and making hostile comments toward gay people and people with disabilities. I’m too pissed off to find something to say. Fuckers.

Chuck Schumer will unveil a marijuana decriminalization bill on Friday—which, yes, is 4/20. Call your senators and tell them to vote to decriminalize marijuana.

FDA panel approves marijuana-based epilepsy drug. It’s been approved to treat Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

After YouTube built the system that recommends videos to its users, one former employee said he watched as it started pushing users toward conspiracy videos.

The U.S. is finally getting a system to warn West Coasters when an earthquake is coming.

E coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce now in 16 states, over 50 people sickened.

“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.” -- Leonardo da Vinci

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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