Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday, January 7, 2019

And another day of “crazed lunatics who have given up on the truth” comes to a close:

“When you get tired of the crap baby move over here and maybe buy some of mine.” -- Monster Magnet

Senate Democrats considering blocking all legislation that doesn't reopen the government.

Back in 2014, television networks refused to give Obama airtime for an immigration address they deemed "overtly political." And here we are today. The networks are giving him free airtime to spout lies and stir up fear. Don’t watch.

3 former presidents deny praising Trump's zeal to build border wall

Only six immigrants in terrorism database stopped by CBP at southern border in first half of 2018. The low number contradicts statements by Trump administration officials.

Trump aides may be in legal jeopardy as Democrats give evidence to Mueller.

New rule bans LGBTQ employment discrimination in House of Representatives.

White House says tax refunds won’t be impacted by government shutdown. The White House is trying to save face. They didn’t think about that until Pelosi announced legislation to reopen the Treasury Department so Americans can receive their tax refunds.

At least 24 Native Americans, most of them women, went missing in sparsely populated Montana in 2018, says Sen. Jon Tester, who wants to push the Justice Department to take action.

Where did the American anomaly of widespread climate denial come from? For almost 30 years, the Farm Bureau has worked closely with the fossil fuel sector to defeat climate policies and sow doubt among farmers. It succeeded.

Cyntoia Brown is granted clemency after serving 15 years in prison for killing man who bought her for sex.

Cancer upstart Loxo has had startling success by looking at what causes the disease, rather than where it occurs. That may justify an $8 billion purchase by Eli Lilly.

“Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.” -- Marcus Tullius Cicero

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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