Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sunday, January 6, 2019

And another day of letters, conditions, and dire warnings comes to a close:

“I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.” -- Pietro Aretino

Airline Pilots Association International, the world’s largest pilots union, sent a letter to Donald Trump. You should read it.

No Syria withdrawal without Turkish pledge not to attack Kurds, Bolton says. Hmmm, did Trump lie again?

Vulnerable Republicans seek distance from Trump in new Congress. Every Republican should be vulnerable because the GOP is a party for only rich white men and the people who prefer patriarchy over being treated equally.

A new study finds that the main source of water for our fresh produce could dry up within our lifetimes. By the time today’s teens are in their 70s, California’s mountains will have “low-to-no” snowpacks, the report predicts. Bye bye fruits, vegetables, and almonds.

U.S. Nuclear Fleet’s Dry Docks Threatened by Storms and Rising Seas.

Tucker Carlson’s Monologue Insults His Viewers. “Carlson failed the most basic test of respect for his audience: He told them blatant lies, falsehoods, and untruths, assuming that they wouldn’t notice. Some of us did.

A full 63 members of the 116th Congress — almost all Democrats — adhere to a faith other than Christianity or don’t adhere to any faith at all. Simply beautiful. Let’s grow that number in future congresses, particularly the ‘no faith at all’ number.

Escape from Jesus Land: On Recognizing Evangelical Abuse and Finding the Strength to Reject the Faith of Our Fathers.

A Grindr harassment suit could change the legal landscape for tech — and free speech. Months of harassment led Matthew Herrick to file a lawsuit against the dating app — and he's using laws meant to protect consumers from dangerous products to do so.

Andrés Iniesta under fire after posing with people in blackface. Goddamnit, Iniesta.

New Alzheimer's drug seeks to slow or stop memory loss.

Children fell ill, one by one, with cancers that few families in this Indianapolis community had ever heard of. At first, families put the cancers down to misfortune. But as cases mounted, parents started to ask: Could it be something in the air or water?

Pesticides banned in the West are still being used on farms overseas.

Repeated miscarriages might actually be caused by men’s weakened sperm, study says.

Disneyland Resort tickets and parking prices are going up again, as much as 25%.

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” -- Lyndon B. Johnson

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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