And another day where my disgust for Trump continues to grow without bound comes to a close:
“We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality.” -- Iris Murdoch
Trump pushed to close El Paso border, told admin officials to resume family separations and agents not to admit migrants. According to multiple sources, the President wanted families separated even if they came in at a legal port of entry and were legal asylum seekers. The President wanted families separated even if they were apprehended within the US. He thinks the separations work to deter migrants from coming. Sources told CNN that Nielsen tried to explain they could not bring the policy back because of court challenges, and White House staffers tried to explain it would be an unmitigated PR disaster. "He just wants to separate families," said a senior administration official. Trump is an evil man who believes he is above the law.
There’s more: Trump told border agents to break the law and defy judicial order. I assume you love your fucking dictator.
Senate Majority Leader McConnell triggered the "nuclear option" again. Here's what that means.
Trump is overseeing a "near-systematic purge" at the Department of Homeland Security.
At the center of Trump's Homeland chaos, Stephen Miller is the lone survivor. And Stephen Miller is a vile waste of flesh.
Trump called Secret Service director 'Dumbo' because of his ears. What a disgusting human being Trump is. Bullies like him can fuck right off.
Trump urged the attendees to explain “to some of your people” in business and finance why they should support his tariffs. The assumption that Jews vote as a bloc in their own interests is a common anti-Semitic trope.
Trump administration threatens veto of net neutrality bill.
Republicans Are Warning Drug Companies Not To Cooperate With A Congressional Investigation. It’s obvious Republicans care nothing for you. If you don’t see it, it’s because you choose not to.
More than half of banned books challenged for LGBTQ content. If people are trying to ban a book, then it obviously needs to be read.
The super rich can now stream movies still in theaters to their penthouses.
A suspected poacher was attacked and killed by an elephant before being eaten by a pride of lions in a national park in northeastern South Africa last week. I love the smell of karma in the morning.
“I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.” -- Socrates
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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