Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

And another day of “treason,” “coups,” spying,” monitoring, banning, and a bill in Texas you might not believe, comes to a close as it all tries to drown out the exciting news about a black hole and the discovery of a new human species:

“I’d rather die than give you control.” — Nine Inch Nails

Trump pushes the bounds of his power. Barr provided no evidence. No one has been charged with a crime. No jury has rendered a verdict. But the president and the nation's top law enforcement officer, speaking separately and yet in conjunction with each other, began to lay out a public case that American citizens are guilty. "His ongoing accusations about top law enforcement officials and his claims that they are guilty of things like treason goes beyond what any liberal or conservative should accept."

William Barr believes spying "did occur" on Trump campaign. Barr was brought in to do one thing: protect Trump.

At roundtable in Texas, President Trump laments that US troops at the border can't get "a little rough," because "everybody would go crazy ... can’t act like they would normally act -- or like, let’s say, another military from another country would act." He so wants to be a dictator.

"If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay fine." — Candace Owens

Texas abortion bill proposes death penalty for women, physicians. Read that again. The party that’s supposedly “pro-life” (they’re not, they’re merely “pro-birth”) is promoting killing people.

The Ohio bill to ban abortions at the first detectable fetal heartbeat is being sent to Gov. Mike DeWine, who says he will sign it. Experts say that would prohibit abortion a few weeks after conception.

Pentagon pulls funding for team of academics who work on the most difficult scientific problems. And it’s just one more way that the Trump regime is chipping away at independent scientific voices in the U.S. government.

Trump signs orders making it harder to block pipelines.

Chicago is tracking kids pre-trial with GPS ankle monitors that can call and record them without consent.

Facebook, Google accused of anti-conservative bias at U.S. Senate hearing. Conservatives are so desperate to find an excuse for why people would not want to be classified as a conservative.

The Canadian Government Is Considering Regulating Facebook And Other Social Media Giants.

As health concerns over talc rose, Johnson & Johnson tried to boost flagging sales of its Baby Powder by targeting the product to minority groups such as African Americans and overweight women.

A bill backed by Republicans in Missouri would ban discrimination against unimmunized children in doctors' offices, daycares, public schools and colleges if families have legal exemptions. The move comes as other states are looking to ramp up vaccinations. This is a bullshit usage of the word “discrimination.”

Brain scans on former NFL players detect abnormal proteins found in CTE. Stop watching the NFL. There is far better entertainment than watching men destroy their minds and bodies.

"Consent condom" requires four hands to open, making powerful statement about consent.

New human species discovered in a cave in the Philippines.

This is the first-ever photo of a black hole. That is freaking cool!!

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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