Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday, April 20, 2020

And another day of white privilege and Republican threats to public health comes to a close:

“Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people.” -- The Refreshments

US: 42,514 (+1949)
World: 170,436 (+5367)

Countdown: 197 days

Trump says WHO didn’t share early information about Covid-19. A new report shows that’s not the case.

The White House Has Erected a Blockade Stopping States and Hospitals From Getting Coronavirus PPE.

Trump said on Monday he will be signing an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States.

The White Privilege of Protesting Stay-Home Orders During a Pandemic. These men and women on the steps of this and that statehouse want the public to see their whiteness, which they know cannot be challenged or punished.

The Republican Party Is a Direct Threat to Public Health. — Has been for quite awhile now.

Fox News Defends Its COVID Lies, Saying First Amendment Protects “False” Speech.

Stay-at-home order protesters represent a minority view. -- But they can still kill many that are in the majority.

Four days after firing his health minister, Brazilian Pres. Jair Bolsonaro says he wants social isolation policies to end this week—as many Brazilian states say they are committed to such policies.

Donald Trump is mad at a Republican governor for buying coronavirus tests for his state.

Covid-19 test makers "falsely claimed" antibody tests can detect the virus, FDA warns.

Georgia governor to reopen some businesses as early as Friday as other states signal similar plans.

Some restaurant chains facing sharp criticism after receiving loans from the government under a small-business relief program.

Oil prices plunged below zero on Monday as demand for energy collapses amid the coronavirus pandemic and traders don't want to get stuck owning crude with nowhere to store it.

The coronavirus pandemic is forcing many people to work at home for the first time ever. It could be a prescription for better health if you're disciplined, one doctor says. "This is really your opportunity to get in the best shape of your life."

Just Give Up on Distance Learning. The situation into which almost every parent in America has now suddenly and unwillingly been thrust could not be more different. One-size-fits-all education barely works in a classroom, but it is completely unmanageable with kids spread out across their various households working independently.

Megadrought Conditions Not Seen for 400+ Years Have Returned to the West, Scientists Say. Scientists have long known that the West suffered in the distant past under anomalous dry periods that lasted for decades. The region returning to what researchers call a megadrought or a “paleo-drought” is considered to be a worst-case scenario for water managers.

Coronavirus Fears Have Produced A Lot Of New Gun Owners - And Safety Concerns.

Rise in accidental poisonings coincides with coronavirus lockdowns.

A Chinese football club says that work is underway on a 100,000-seater stadium -- which would be the largest football stadium in the world. Designed in a lotus flower shape, the stadium is scheduled to cost $1.7 billion. — Yeah, right now this doesn’t seem very important.

8 of the 10 most banned books of 2019 were challenged for LGBTQ content, according to a report by the American Library Association. Nearly 600 books spanning a variety of genres and reading levels were the target of censorship attempts at libraries, schools and universities last year, and 8 out of the 10 that made the American Library Association’s “Most Challenged Books” of 2019 list shared a common denominator: LGBTQ content.

NASA telescope sees a massive planet vanish from view.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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