“The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice.” -- Mark Twain
US: 45,340 (+2826)
World: 177,641 (+7205)
Countdown: 196 days.
Operation reopen America: are we about to witness a second historic failure of leadership from Trump?
GOP Texas Lieutenant Governor Says We Need to Take Risk to Get Back to Work: 'There Are More Important Things Than Living'.
Experts say we still don’t have enough tests to safely do something as complicated as reopen the economy.
Trump says "we're in very good shape on testing." A new report shows how far off he is.
California reports highest one-day rise in coronavirus cases. — Yeah, the country is ready to “reopen.”
Bipartisan Senate report backs the intelligence community's assessment that Russia interfered to help Donald Trump in 2016 election.
CDC Director Robert Redfield says there could be second, possibly worse coronavirus outbreak this winter.
A malaria drug widely touted by President Donald Trump for treating the new coronavirus showed no benefit in a large analysis of its use in U.S. veterans hospitals. There were more deaths among those given hydroxychloroquine versus standard care, researchers reported.
Does Trump have the authority to halt immigration? The answer appears to be yes. Any such sweeping action is bound to produce court challenges, but it's not at all clear that they would succeed.
Two-thirds of voters back vote-by-mail in November 2020. — Demand your state move to vote-by-mail.
From San Francisco to Massachusetts, local and state health departments have begun rolling out efforts to stem the spread of the coronavirus by tracing the contacts of those who have tested positive for COVID-19.
The Justice Department will consider taking legal action against governors who continue to impose stringent rules for dealing with the coronavirus that infringe on constitutional rights even after the crisis subsides in their states, Attorney General William Barr said.
Barr calls stay-at-home orders 'disturbingly close to house arrest'.
7 Wisconsin virus cases linked to April 7 in-person voting, health official says.
Colorado will no longer be ordered to stay home starting next week.
Oregon governor says her state cannot rely on the federal government to help with testing
Coronavirus very likely of animal origin, no sign of lab manipulation: WHO.
Nurses don't have proper protection to fight the coronavirus. They're begging Trump to help.
FDA approves first at-home coronavirus test.
Denmark bans companies registered in tax havens from accessing coronavirus bailout money.
Beware a new wave of populism, born out of coronavirus-induced economic inequity.
The pandemic has sparked a rise in hate speech blaming Jews and Israelis for spreading the coronavirus — with anti-Semitic violence increasing 18% since last year, according to a new study.
In a letter to law enforcement officials, FBI Director Christopher Wray said there are concerns "about the potential for hate crimes by individuals and groups" targeting US minority populations who they believe are responsible for spreading coronavirus.
Company With Ties To Trump Receives Millions From Small Business Loan Program. — $5.5 million.
The government is now offering $600, the equivalent of $15 an hour, or double the federal minimum wage, to people who've lost their jobs because of the coronavirus. A Kentucky cafe owner says she's had to close because her workers make more staying home. — Keep in mind the federal minimum wage hasn’t been raised in a decade.
Today, the U.S. Department of Education reversed its previous position on the Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under Section 18004 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act by excluding students who do not have a social security number.
The Fashion Industry produces about 20% of the wastewater in the world and floods oceans with half a million tons of microplastics every year. Here’s a look at the industry and how it’s harmful.
Televangelist Pat Robertson says God will only cure coronavirus if people ‘confess and forsake’ gay weddings. — Fuck off Pat Robertson.
The Los Angeles Police Department announced today it would be ending its use of PredPol’s predictive policing tool, which the company claims uses artificial intelligence to predict crime, but which critics have called "fundamentally flawed." — Only because of financial constraints due to Covid-19.
Got a Zoom-bombing problem? Zoom will soon let you report attacks in real time.
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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