And another day with such a low bar for Trump to be considered “presidential” comes to a close:
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” -- Isaac Asimov
US: 137,403 (+732)
World: 567,649 (+4880)
Countdown: 115 days.
Expert warns the US is approaching 'one of the most unstable times in the history of our country'.
The US is diving into a dark Covid hole -- and there's no plan to get out. There is no plan.
Arizona county requests refrigerated trucks as morgues hit 97 percent capacity during pandemic.
Inside an Arizona hospital battling a global COVID-19 hot spot: Exhausted staff, not enough beds and a silent fight.
‘Tsunami’ of COVID cases crushing Hidalgo County [TX]. “This is not a conspiracy theory. This is the absolute truth.” — The fact this has to be said is a sad indictment on this country. One child brought home the virus to his parents. Both parents then died. Yes, demanding students attend brick and mortar schools is a terrific idea...if the goal is to kill people.
New Friday Night Justice Department Shake-Up Installs Barr Deputy in Brooklyn. Why Barr has been busily ousting U.S. Attorneys in New York City has been a subject of intense debate and speculation. Several criminal probes and prosecutions have rankled as a thorn in the side of the Trump administration, from the campaign-finance crimes of the president’s former fixer Michael Cohen to the impeachment-related allegations against Rudy Giuliani’s former associate Lev Parnas. — Corruption rolls on. It’s been normalized.
'Unprecedented, Historic Corruption': Romney Joins Critics Of Stone's Commutation. As of midday Saturday, Romney was the only prominent Republican to break with the president. It's not his first time doing so. The senator has repeatedly clashed with the president and delivered the lone GOP vote for Trump's conviction in his impeachment trial.
Mueller defends Russia probe, says Stone remains a felon.
Not Just Roger Stone: A Shockingly Long List of Trump’s Controversial Pardons and Commutations.
Roger Stone: Trump proves his love for 'law and order' doesn't apply to friends. The law and order president has decided that a convicted criminal should not go to prison.
Joe Biden is pledging to define his presidency with a sweeping economic agenda beyond anything Americans have seen since the Great Depression and the industrial mobilization for World War II. Biden also said his plan would address racism and inequalities.
White House insiders are worried that 'unhinged conspiracy theorists' are being given more and more powerful roles at the Pentagon. “It's bringing in these hacks, who on any other planet, in any other universe would never have careers at this high a level, while guys who should have naturally matriculated and been promoted and had successful careers in national security are getting pushed out. It’s glaringly obvious that anyone who is professional but not 100 percent personally loyal [to Trump] are getting crushed.”
Pentagon chief confirms he was briefed on intelligence about Russian payments to the Taliban. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper confirmed Thursday that he had been briefed on information regarding Russian payments to the Taliban, seemingly acknowledging that Russia's support for the militant group in Afghanistan is not a "hoax," as President Donald Trump has claimed.
Trump seen wearing face mask in public for first time. — Too little, too late...and only just to get a photo op. And what’s up with “The Right Stuff” drama walk? And he still hasn’t shownanger at Putin for bounties.
Internal CDC documents warn a full reopening of schools is the "highest risk" for spread of the coronavirus.
University professors fear returning to campus as coronavirus cases surge. While the final fall 2020 plans at her college are still pending, professors at her university were told that conducting solely online classes was not an option. Crary asked that NBC News not name the college...As part of its fall plans, Boston University has launched Learn From Anywhere, a modality that will let students take courses remotely. However, professors are currently required to return to campus to teach in person. There isn’t an option to work remotely...At the University of Notre Dame, both faculty and students are required to return to campus this fall. Faculty and staff may receive an exemption if they qualify for a “reasonable accommodation” by falling in one of the CDC high-risk categories. To apply, they must submit their medical information to the school...At Georgia Tech, professors who are 65 and older or have qualifying medical conditions may request alternate work arrangements..."We all want to be in the classroom," she explained. "No one is excited about the prospect of teaching online again. People who opt for online are doing so for good reason."
America still doesn’t have enough N95 masks. Five months into the pandemic, the Trump administration hasn’t taken charge of a supply chain that’s been stretched thin.
Two Texas officers shot and killed while responding to a domestic disturbance call. They were at the front door when the suspect opened fire on them before turning the gun on himself, the police chief said.
Protests erupt in Russia's Far East after arrest of governor over years-old murders. Live feeds of the protests posted to social media from the event showed people chanting: "This is our land" and "Putin must resign," while demanding Khabarovsk Governor Sergey Furgal be released and brought back to the territory.
Name change 'imminent' for Washington NFL team: reports. Team's nickname will reportedly change 'in the next 24-48 hours'.
The world's population grew from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 7.7 billion in 2020.
Spectacular photos capture Neowise, one of the brightest comets in decades. The event is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience — the comet takes about 6,800 years to complete its path around the sun, according to NASA. Starting this weekend, it will be visible to viewers in the Northern Hemisphere in the evening, just after sunset.
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.
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