Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Because I Still Believe

I’m sad for those people in Omaha. Not sad because they were stranded in below 32 degree weather after listening to a conman go on and on doing his stand-up act instead of giving them any kind of plan or direction he has for the country over the next four years. After all, it was their choice to attend.

No, I’m sad for them because they had some desire to attend. Some want. Some overwhelming need. Their belief that he is the best person to lead the country they live in because he is some kind of savior for an idealized America that never existed in the first place is more than sad, it’s depressing.

But that’s what they want. They want to make the “libtards” depressed...or angry. For them it’s not about what’s right or wrong, it’s about winning. It’s about doing whatever they must to ensure emotional, and sometimes physical suffering among those they view as their enemy. It’s about a hatred for the other side that we on the left are just now beginning to understand.

Playing “fair” or “by the rules,” while being the admirable thing to do, has been a losing cause for Democrats recently. The Republicans have taken so much while we did. 

I was taught that “right” eventually wins out in the end. I was raised that way. I have tried to live my life that way.

But lately that sure doesn’t seem to be true. It appears that playing “ruthless” is what wins in the end.

And that makes me sad.

We’re six days out from the end of the 2020 election cycle. Six days of Covid-induced, racial strife induced, economic uncertainty induced, and climate induced stress.

And everyday feels like it brings with it another fire.

America is evolving too fast for those people in Omaha who attended his stand-up show last night. The change is happening in real time. For the people who follow him with cult-like admiration and loyalty it scares them. They are desperate to make it to stop.

But it won’t.

Change is inevitable. If they don’t adapt then they will go extinct.

Because I still believe that “right” will prevail. It’s going to be difficult because so much is lined up against it, but it will win out in the end. I just hope it’s in my lifetime. A loss in this election will make that difficult to achieve, yes, but maybe then it will be achieved in my children’s lifetime.

I can hope.

Hoping for a better future for my children is certainly better than standing in the road, in the middle of a pandemic, in below 32 degree weather, hoping for a bus to arrive.

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